Dynamic Iterations, LLC

What Are Dynamic Iterations?

In the philosopy of Agile Development Methodology, Sprints, or Iterations, are the core cycle of product development.

Design -> Build -> Test -> Deploy

Normally this is done in short two- or three-week cycles, and the resources and requirements are aligned before-hand as part of the scheluling process. Most software development shops get caught in the trap of this cycle, and adopt the time framework as the limiting feature.

We take a slightly different approach: Dynamic Iterations concerns itself with the urgency first, and scheduling second. So, our sprints can be several weeks long, or several hours. Whatever the needs of the moment, and the needs of the customer, dictate. Because we need to stay responsive, and fast, we have Dynamic Iterations, rather than the fixed iterations of other development organizations.

Who Is Dynamic Iterations?

We are a tight-knit community of application developers, project managers, web designers and support specialists that have come together to provide a collection of products and services.

We seek to build trust-based partnerships with users and small businesses, and then strive to meet whatever needs our partners may have, in alignment with that trust relationship.

Our partners drive our expansion, as we seek to provide them with whatever they need, and they continue to rely on us to meet that need effectively.